Well-being in Teaching: Webinar for Teachers

Do you wonder what role do mindfulness, growth mindset and anxiety play in teaching and learning? On Thursday, January 19, from 4 to 5 pm, Fulbright will host a webinar on well-being in teaching for high school teachers. The webinar will be hosted by Dr. Janet Tassell. If you wish to sign up, please complete this registration form by Tuesday, January 17. You will receive a link to the webinar in the morning of January 19. You may submit questions for Dr. Tassell in advance in this shared chart.

Themes to be discussed: 

  • How to improve students’ focus and awareness?
  • How to monitor and respond to students’ needs?
  • The role of mindfulness in teaching
  • How to reduce stress in the classroom?
  • How to support healthy relationships at work?
  • How to support overall well-being

Dr. Janet Tassell is a Professor and Assistant Director for the School of Teacher Education at Western Kentucky University in Bowling Green, Kentucky. She spent the Fall 2022/2023 semester as a Fulbright Scholar at the Faculty of Education with the Mathematics Department of Charles University in Prague, where she co-taught a course Classical Readings in Mathematics Education and guest lectured in a course on Secondary Math Methods. Janet is passionate about education and teaching. Her research in the Czech Republic centered on “Mindfulness Teaching Practices in Mathematics.” During her stay, she has conducted research with teacher candidates to apply mindfulness practices in mathematics instruction, to strengthen students’ growth mindset, and lessen math anxiety. Many of these strategies can be applied across multiple disciplines, far beyond teaching mathematics. During the webinar, Janet will briefly introduce her research and share some techniques and approaches that any teacher can use to improve focus and awareness in their lessons, to enhance classroom climate, to reduce stress and to support overall well-being.