Finance Specialist – hledáme nového kolegu/novou kolegyni

Do Komise J. Williama Fulbrighta hledáme kolegu nebo kolegyni na pozici:

Finance Specialist


— ukončené magisterské vzdělání a alespoň pět let praxe v účetnictví, rozpočtování nebo provádění auditů, nejlépe se zaměřením na neziskové organizace,
— výbornou znalost českého i anglického jazyka,
— znalost problematiky finančního a mzdového účetnictví, výkaznictví, daňové problematiky a bankovních operací, pracovně-právní problematiky
— počítačovou gramotnost,
— organizační a komunikační schopnosti, flexibilitu, chuť učit se novým postupům,
— řidičský průkaz skupiny B výhodou, není podmínkou,
— trestní bezúhonnost,
— zdravotní způsobilost.


 Zajímavou a smysluplnou práci na plný úvazek v malém kolektivu.

Pružnou pracovní dobu včetně možnosti práce z domova, velmi slušné platové ohodnocení.

Pracovní cesty po ČR i do zahraničí.

Podrobná náplň práce podle klasifikace pozice (níže), odpovědi na dotazy k dispozici na vyžádání na zc.th1721951578girbl1721951578uf@th1721951578girbl1721951578uf1721951578

Kromě níže uvedeného je součástí náplně práce i výkon funkce správce rozpočtu a hlavního účetního podle zákona o finanční kontrole ve veřejné správě, podmínkou je též uzavření dohody o hmotné odpovědnosti.

Místem výkonu práce je kancelář Komise J. Williama Fulbrighta v Praze.

V případě zájmu pošlete prosím na uvedenou adresu svůj motivační dopis (česky a stručně) a pracovní životopis s možným termínem nástupu (anglicky), a to nejpozději do 16.4.2023.

Ideální doba nástupu od 1. 7. 2023.


Podrobná náplň práce: 

Position:          FINANCE SPECIALIST

Required Qualifications

Education:       University level education resulting in Bachelor degree or equivalent experience

Experience:     Five years of responsible experience in accounting, budget work or auditing

Language:       Fluent in Czech and English

Knowledge:     Knowledge of both accrual and cash accounting systems

Knowledge of Czech accounting regulations for double-entry accounting and specifically for non-profit organizations

Knowledge of Czech laws relating to wage accounting, taxes, social and health insurance

Knowledge of State Department regulations and procedures relating to budgeting, accounting and financial management

Abilities:          Must be able to manage all the accounting procedures of the Commission and the reports on accounting both for State Department and the Czech Ministry of Education, to follow current changes in the laws affecting the accounting procedures of the Commission, relate funds management with missions of the Fulbright program; assist in planning the budget and making appropriate adjustments according to the change of allocations during the fiscal year

Skills:              Excellent accounting skills, accuracy and soundness in routine

High level of computer skills (accounting software, spreadsheet, word­ processing, database systems)

High level of skill in articulating (orally and in writing) complex issues and relationships between programs, projects and funding options

Duties and Responsibilities

 In cooperation with ED, administering the whole budget of the Commission (including administrative budget, non-grant expenses and program funds), development of detailed justifications, and financial plans in support of program directions, conducting continuing analysis of budget execution, recording transfers, commitment changes and financial sources

  1. Administering the regular financial transfer of scholarships to both Czech Fulbright grantees in the U.S.A. and American Fulbright grantees in the Czech Republic, assist in administration of the Grant Award Documents and Insurance Program for the grantees
  2. Maintenance of financial records, keeping the overview of rules according to the Manual for Binational Commissions and Foundations and current laws of the Czech Republic; interpret and apply new or changed guidelines and
  3. Maintenance of Petty Cash, keeping regular control of bank accounts and bank statements, keeping record on assets of the Commission including preparation of rules for property record keeping according to rules and regulations of both governments
  4. Preparation of monthly, quarterly and annual financial reports for both governments as needed, including detailed narrative justification, formulation of tables and graphs
  5. Calculation and payment of the staffs‘ salaries including tax reduction and obligatory payments of social and health insurance for both employees and employer; calculation and payment of the expenses connected with official travel of the Commission staff and Board members
  6. Together with ED represent the Commission at meetings with concerning budget and financial operations of the Commission with official authorities of the Czech and US government.